Modern slavery



The business is required to state the actions they have taken during the financial year to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in their operations and supply chains. We are fully committed to play our part in eradicating modern slavery. We firmly advocate for transparency and collaboration to eliminate the risks of modern slavery.

As an organization we have considered the exposure of Sunfert S.A. to slavery and human trafficking risks, after considering:

- To the best of our knowledge, we have no information about facts of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain operations;

- The skilled nature of the activities and roles undertaken across the company, and the skill set and qualifications required to perform these activities, minimizing our use of temporary or low-skilled agency staff;

- The application of our policies and processes, including procurement and recruitment processes;

- Encouragement of staff or external individuals to raise concerns in line with our Anti-Slavery policy.

As a result of the factors above we consider the risk of slavery or human trafficking occurring within our direct employee population, business operations and tier one supply chain to be low (and have found no evidence of slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chains).This will be kept under review.


Sunfert S.A. is a multinational company specialized in fertilizers and fertilizer raw material trading, production and distribution. Our main products are MOP, Ammonium Sulfate, NPK, MAP, water soluble fertilizers and specialties and others. Sunfert S.A. has strong international team with many years of experience in the field of fertilizers and raw materials. Global network of our operations and deep reach into regional and national markets enable us to build strong and long-term partnership, reaching the highest level of loyalty – 98% of our sales are repeatable.


We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business. Our anti-slavery position reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and control to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere is our supply chain. 

We, Sunfert S.A., believe it is essential to provide a work climate that:

- Respect the dignity and worth of individuals;

- Encourage the initiative of each employee;

- Challenge individual capabilities;

- Provide equal opportunities.

Honor, dignity, freedom and comfort of our employees are the biggest values of our company. To this end, Sunfert S.A. has adopted strong employment, labor and worker protection principles that apply to our employees. Sunfert S.A. prohibits workplace harassment and we respect workers’ freedom to associate, which assures we respect the ability of employees to choose whether or not to join unions and engage in collective bargaining, as permitted by applicable laws in the countries where Sunfert S.A. does business. We prohibit the use of forced and bonded labor, which we interpret to include slavery and human trafficking, or the employment of children under 16 years of age, or the minimum age established by local law if older. Sunfert S.A. takes all necessary steps to assure the occupational health and safety of our workers and the safety of the communities in which we operate.


As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we have in place system to:

- Identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains;

- Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains;

- Monitor potential risk areas in our supply chains;

- Protect whistle blowers.

Our employees are obliged to report to the senior management in case they identify the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking.


To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to our staff. We also require our business partners to provide training to their staff and suppliers and providers.


In order to combat the risk of slavery and human trafficking, we take steps to identify those areas of our business where there may be a risk of slavery and human trafficking. Also, we assess potential partners, suppliers and buyers based on a variety of factors to prevent working with companies that might be at a risk of non-conformance with our values and principles.  This assessment is made in a form of partner risk evaluation process and includes evaluation of such factors as geographic risk, business risk, type of operations, etc. We work only with carefully assessed, well-known and reputable partners.


Sunfert S.A. is committed to measuring and continuously improving the effectiveness of our due diligence process regarding modern slavery and human trafficking. To that end, our senior management holds regular meetings throughout the year to review our due diligence and risk assessment system described above.


Following a review of the effectiveness of the steps we have taken to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain we intend to continue to closely monitor our process and those of our suppliers in order to continue to combat slavery and human trafficking.